Full Course Load--Undergraduate

Undergraduate Students Full Course Load

A Bachelor Level or Associate Level student must meet the following requirements:
  1. You must enroll in at least 12 credit hours total. (must be 16-week-long classes)
  2. At least 9 of those credits must be in-person. (must be 16-week-long classes)
See the following chart to understand what classes count as online or in-person credit.


                                      On-Campus or Online Credit

Class Delivery Method
Credit Type
Lecture Traditional on-campus and in-person On-Campus   
Hybrid On-campus attendance is required for every other session On-Campus
Online (Asynchronous) Conducted fully online Online
Synchronous Conducted fully online Online
High Flex (or Hy Flex) Student may choose to attend on-campus or online Online*
Flex Student may choose to attend on-campus or online Online*

*Flex and High Flex classes can count as on-campus credits ONLY if the student completes the 
request in their Immigration Portal called Flex as In-Person.  In the request, the student promises 
to attend class on-campus and in-person.  The professor will take attendance, and the DSOs will
check attendance periodically throughout the semester.